From Local to Global (Erasmus IP Project)

Özbölük T.

Erasmus Projesi, 2013 - 2013

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Mart 2013
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Nisan 2013

Proje Özeti

The objective of the Erasmus Intensive Program called “From Local to Global” was to increase intercultural communication and exploit professional, intercultural an interpersonal skill around a thematic that complements the curricula of all the partner institutions and that embraces a wide range of subjects and competences in order to explore the discovery and promotion of high-quality regional products only known and valued locally but that deserve to be introduced to other countries. Main activities of the IP project include development of the intensive program, involvement and preparation of lecturers and students and an organized course in Latvia. I attended the intensive jointly organized course which offers a training program for marketing students. The target group was undergraduate students from 7 countries including Belgium, Turkey, Lithuania, Portugal, Poland, Cyprus and Austria.  I taught a subject called “Managing Brand Communities” to introduce international students with issues of branding and brand management in the era of social media.)