Online In-service Teacher Training: Perspectives of Turkish L2 Lecturers


INTERNATIONAL ONLINE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, vol.2, no.14, pp.419-431, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 2 Issue: 14
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Doi Number: 10.15345/iojes.2022.02.010
  • Journal Indexes: IBZ Online, EBSCO Education Source, Education Abstracts, Educational research abstracts (ERA), ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Page Numbers: pp.419-431
  • Yozgat Bozok University Affiliated: Yes


The present study aims to examine the perspectives of Turkish as a second language (TSL) lecturers

on an in-service teacher training programme which was organized to improve their teaching

competencies. The method of the study is case study, one of the qualitative research methods. 6

Turkish L2 lecturers participated in the study. Firstly, a needs analysis has been made with the

lecturers to determine their possible problems and needs while teaching Turkish at a Turkish

Language Learning Research and Application Centre (TÖMER) of a state university in Turkey. The

reason of making a needs analysis was that 2 of the lecturers do not have an academic background

in teaching Turkish as a second/foreign language, 4 of them are only certified in that field. After

determining their problems and needs, a six-week teacher training programme has been

implemented. The teacher training programme was established with a group of field experts. All the

field experts had an academic background and practical experience in teaching Turkish as a

second/foreign language. Data were collected with two different semi-structured interview forms.

Before the programme, lecturers’ needs were determined and after finishing the programme, semistructured

interviews were conducted to obtain lecturers' perceptions on the teacher training

programme. In-service teacher training was carried out through online platforms, and interviews

were conducted face-to-face. According to the research findings, lecturers remarked that the teacher

training programme would be more effective if it was face-to-face. Online education environment

caused them to often hesitate to ask questions. Moreover, teacher training helped the participants

increase their awareness and knowledge and identify their knowledge deficiencies. The most

effective subjects in the teacher training were measurement and evaluation, teaching reading,

material development, and grammar, respectively.