Digital Hospital Applications: A Study on City Hospital Workers

Gökkaya D., İzgüden D.

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol.11, no.3, pp.848-859, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Digital hospitals are one of the most important representations of the digital transformation experienced in healthcare institutions. In many medical and non-medical work flow processes of digital hospitals, technological systems and modules find their place. The research is important as it is the first study conducted on the subject on the employees of the first city hospital with the title of a fully digital hospital. Within the scope of the research, the opinions, thoughts and satisfaction levels of employees of Yozgat City Hospital, which is the first city hospital in Turkey among EMRAM Level 7 hospitals, about digital hospital applications were examined. The "Digital Hospital Practices Survey" developed by the researchers was used as the data collection tool in the study, and the data obtained with the participation of 298 hospital employees were analyzed using the SPSS program. As a result of the research, it was determined that hospital employees working in Yozgat City Hospital are generally satisfied with digital hospital applications. It is understood from the questionnaire expressions used in the research that; hospital employees have not experienced any adaptation problems related to digital hospital applications and they think that digital hospital applications provide advantages especially in patient and information security issues. It has been seen in the research that; hospital workers make evaluations to support the use, development and dissemination of digital hospital applications.seen in the research that; hospital workers make evaluations to support the use, development and dissemination of digital hospital applications.