Determination of Carbendazim and Chlorpyrifos in Selected Fruits and Vegetables Samples Using QuEChERS-HPLC-FD

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HAZER O., Akkbik M., Demir D., Turhan Y.

EURASIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, vol.12, no.2, pp.17-30, 2017 (ESCI) identifier identifier


A new method was developed to determine pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable extracts with short time analysis. An optimum results were achieved using binary mobile phase consisting of (methanol: water; 95: 5, v/v) and fluorescence detection (lambda(Ex) and lambda(Em) set at 280 and 340 nm, respectively) was used. The dynamic range was between 0.100 to 10 mg L-1 with relative standard deviation less than 0.45%, (n=4). Limits of detection and recoveries for carbendazim and chlorpyrifos were 0.073 mg L-1 (84.2-106.5%) and 0.062 mg L-1 (85.7-90.3%), respectively. The results revealed that the concentrations of carbendazim and chlorpyrifos residue in all collected samples were below than the EU legal limit.