Examination of ‘Ellen Meiksins Wood’ within the Framework of Comparative Method

Zengin S.

International Academic Journal of Administrative Sciences, vol.3, no.4, pp.211-219, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


(Abstract) The comparative method is considered as an important qualitative evaluation method within the framework of social sciences. The sine qua non of the method is that it is based on the social and cultural movement of the objects being compared. In this respect, considering the research on capitalism, it can be said that Ellen Meiksins Wood's studies in the literature have developed an important systematic explanation of the method in question. The fact that Wood generally used the comparative method in his analyzes in many of his works and that he did not ignore the essence of the comparative method in his historical materialist sense of capitalism forms the basis of this study. The fact that the comparative method in social sciences works solely on similarity-difference, but the comparative method does not address its own problems, is considered as a major problem that this article tries to overcome. In addition, the transformation of the internal dynamics of the capitalist plane and the way of appropriating the surplus product has created a new and different form of formation accompanied by capitalism. In this context, in the works of Ellen Meiksins Wood, detailing the unique characteristics of capitalism and analyzing it together with feudalism, the previous mode of production, corresponds to the methodological state of the comparative method.