Evaluation of the Sources of Yozgat Fountain Water in Terms of Seasonal Distribution, Turkey

TÜRKSOY V. A., Deniz S., Tutkun L., Kirat G.

JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, vol.94, no.5, pp.538-544, 2019 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


This study was carried out to compare the seasonal variation in the concentration of elements in 147 fountain water samples, collected from Yozgat province and its surroundings. The study area comprises of lower Eocene Topcu Formation and the upper Cretaceous - Paleocene Yozgat batholith Formation. A study of the physical and chemical properties of the water samples show that average pH values may be classified as I and II as per Water Pollution Control Regulation. The concentrations of As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, F, Pb, Ni, Sb, Se and U were lower than the WHO (2011) fountain water guide limits. The techniques of principle factor analysis and cluster analysis were used to assess and examine the results obtained from the study area. The data values consisting of 29 elements were divided into groups of similar parameters, forming 8 sets. Using principle factor analyses, large part of the variation in the data were determined (77.71% of the variance). According to World Health Organization (WHO) safe drinking water is necessary for human health and 80% diseases are water borne. The heavy metals are of major concern, mainly due to their presence at relatively high concentrations in fountain water and their toxic effects on human health. The aim of this study is to evaluate the sources of fountain water in the Yozgat region in terms of seasonal toxicity in line with WHO limits.