Ankara Barosu Dergisi, vol.71, no.3, pp.19-55, 2013 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
"Morality”; is social rules which regulate the manners of behaviours which people
within society are obliged to obey. Ethics; is the complement of moral principles
which is the basis for person’s behaviours. In other words, ethics is the guiding values,
principles and standards that help people to determine “how the works should be
done”. The principles of ethical behaviour related to the administration and the
bureaucracy have been transformed to ethical codes; both by the regulations made
by our country and also by principles set by international institutions. And in our
country, for ensuring the applicability of principles of ethical behaviour regarding
the “administration”, as stated by regulation, “Council of Ethics for Public Service”
and “Ethics Commissions” have been established. In this study, the decisions of the
Committee that are published in the Official Gazette and the judicial decisions given
by administrative courts even in limited numbers, have been evaluated and how a
moral administration should behave in its acts and actions has been emphasized.