Dynamic compensation temperature in the mixed spin-1 and spin-2 Ising model in an oscillating field on alternate layers of a hexagonal lattice

Korkmaz T., TEMİZER Ü.

JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, vol.324, no.22, pp.3876-3886, 2012 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


The dynamic behavior of a mixed spin-1 and spin-2 Ising system with a crystal-field interaction in the presence of a time-dependent oscillating external magnetic field on a hexagonal lattice is studied by using the Glauber-type stochastic dynamics. The lattice is formed by alternate layers of spins sigma = 1 and S=2. The Hamiltonian model includes intersublattice, intrasublattice and crystal-field interactions. The set of mean-field dynamic equations is obtained by employing the Glauber transition rates. Firstly, we study time variations of the average sublattice magnetizations in order to find the phases in the system, and the thermal behavior of the average sublattice magnetizations in a period or the dynamic sublattice magnetizations to obtain the dynamic phase transition points as well as to characterize the nature (continuous and discontinuous) of transitions. Then, the behavior of the dynamic total magnetization as a function of the temperature is investigated to find the dynamic compensation points as well as determine the type of behavior. We also present the dynamic phase diagrams for both presence and absence of the dynamic compensation temperatures in the nine different planes. According to the values of Hamiltonian parameters, besides the paramagnetic (p), antiferromagnetic (af), ferrimagnetic (i) and non-magnetic (nm) fundamental phases, eight different mixed phases and the compensation temperature or L- and N-types behavior in the Neel classification nomenclature exist in the system. (C) 2012 Elsevier BY. All rights reserved.