Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, vol.37, no.8, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is the most significant cash crop and backbone of global textile industry. The importance of cotton can hardly be over emphasized in the economy of cotton-growing countries as cotton and cotton products contribute significantly to the foreign exchange earnings. Cotton breeders have continuously sought to improve cotton’s quality through conventional breeding in the past centuries; however, due to limited availability of germplasm with resistant to particular insects, pests and diseases, further advancements in cotton breeding have been challenging. The progress in transformation systems in cotton paved the way for the genetic improvement by enabling the researchers to transfer specific genes among the species and to incorporate them in cotton genome. With the development of first genetically engineered cotton plant in 1987, several characteristics such as biotic (insects, viruses, bacteria and fungi) resistance, abiotic (drought, chilling, heat, salt), herbicide tolerance, manipulation of oil and fiber traits have been reported to date. Genetic engineering has emerged as a necessary tool in cotton breeding programs, strengthening classical strategies to improve yield and yield contributing factors. The current review highlights the advances and endeavors in cotton genetic engineering achieved by researchers worldwide utilizing modern biotechnological approaches. Future prospects of the transgenic cotton are also discussed.