Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, vol.6, pp.41-51, 2017 (Scopus)
Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) is highly strategic and sensitive economic crop. A set of 7 potential poppy parent lines and cultivars along with their 42 reciprocal hybrids was made to collect information on extent of heterosis and heterobeltiosis for selection of better parents for capsules, seeds, morphine and total alkaloids yield. The study was carried out during 2012–13 and 2013–14 growing seasons. Heterosis and heterobeltiosis values of capsule yield varied between −19.59% to 94.87% and −28.84% to 87.71%, seed yield varied between −14.75% to 83.61% and −21.21% to 78.67%, morphine yield varied between −26.87% to 174.35% and −32.68% to 137.70% total alkaloid yield ranged −23.92% to 160.50% and −32.46% to 145.67% respectively. It was noted that TMOT × Ofis-8 and TMOT × “2010” were the best hybrids in terms of capsule, seed, morphine and total alkaloid yield. Whereas, the maximum heterotic depression for capsules, seeds, morphine and alkaloid yield was noted for N-442 × TMOT hybrids. The study showed good scope for commercial exploitation of heterosis and isolation of pure lines among progenies of heterotic F1 hybrids. Thus, taking an overview of the results of this study it can be suggested that, future studies should focus on TMOT, Ofis-8, “2010” and N 442 cultivars for breeding new high and low morphine cultivars in hybridization programs profitably.