The purpose of this study is prove to relation between transformation of political communication process, political participation and communication teknologies in a historical process. In this study "political communication process is affected by the communication tecnologies in a considerable extent and it's taken out from in election periods works, which should done in appropriate time thing, by the new Communication tecnologies" assumption had been constituted. In this context, especially had been emraced after 1950's developings in communication tecnologies and it's reflections to the political communication process. This study, had been examined changes and tranformations in election campaigns with used internet in political communication process. In this connection, had been discussed internet' facilities, advantage and disadvantages. As a result, especially when the mass media were used in the field of political communication after the Second World War a definite similitude was experienced in election campaigns and political communication process all over the world. It was determined that this similitude was evaluated as an Americanization phenomenon and political communication process has been entered a new transformation with new communication technologies together 2000' s years. In this context, political sphere have been undergoing a cahange by the new communication tecnologies and new media being used effectively by both political personalities and the publics. The traditional media, which has established a barrier or obstructed direct access between voter and politicians and organizations, has been removed via new communication technologies and a semi-direct relationship and communication process is beginning with voters.