Mersin Photogrammetry Journal, vol.4, no.2, pp.62-67, 2022 (Scopus)
Since mankind began to adapt to settled life, it has established various settlements. In these areas, they have built many structures for accommodation and social activities. Some of these structures are still in use today, but most of them are waiting to be underground for various natural or unnatural reasons or have been destroyed due to indifference. Survey studies play an important role in documenting, protecting and transferring cultural heritages that have survived for centuries or that were found during archaeological excavations. The cultural heritage handed down to us from past societies must be preserved for the benefit of all. In the era of globalization, cultural heritage helps us remember our cultural diversity and its understanding fosters mutual respect and renewed dialogue between different cultures. Transferring the cultural heritage that has survived from the past to the present to the societies that will live after us, without any change in its essence, contributes both to the development of a country and to new works to be done. A country's economic growth and social progress present both challenges and opportunities for the preservation of cultural heritage. In this study, the documentation and survey sample study of Syefeddin Karasungur tomb in Konya province was carried out. For the documentation work, a 3D model of the building was obtained in terrestrial photogrammetry software with pictures taken from various angles.