Effect of Creative Drama on Students' Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study

Erden H., Aytac T., Erden A.

2nd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All (ICLEL), Liepaja, Latvia, 21 - 23 July 2016, pp.747-763 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • City: Liepaja
  • Country: Latvia
  • Page Numbers: pp.747-763
  • Yozgat Bozok University Affiliated: Yes


Numerous theses and doctoral dissertations are conducted in Turkey showing the relationship between creative drama and students' achievement. These studies are great potential for meta-analysis studies. The aim of the current study is to identify the effectiveness of creative drama on students' academic achievement. This study is a meta-analysis study of 70 studies meeting the inclusion criteria from master's theses and doctoral disserations, donwloaded from the web-page of the National Council of Higher Education. The total size of samples of this study is 4507. 2266 of the students are at the experiemental group and 2241 of them are at the control group. Variables, which are not evaluated as part of the primary researches, of school type as moderator, publication type, course, year of publication, region the research has been carried out, educational level, scale development, whether validity and reliability studies conducted or not and gender of the researcher are included in this study. The research results yielded that according to the fixed effects (d=0,872) and the random effects (d=0,912) models in favour of the experimental group, a statistically significant large effect size was determined. There is not any significant difference among the effect sizes of the studies according to the gender of the researher (p=0,665), educational level (p=0,493), publication type (p=0,618), region where the study has been conducted (p=0,756), whether validity and reliability studies conducted or not (p=0,338). In terms of effect sizes of the studies, students' academic achievement at the experimental group, there is a continued significant difference.