The relationship between hospital employees' knowledge levels and behaviors about chemical risks and occupational safety and employee health culture.

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Kılıç M., Türksoy V. A., Uslukılıç G., Özporaz Ş.

Journal of Life Sciences and Biomedicine, vol.78, no.1, pp.131-142, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the knowledge levels and behaviors of hospital employees about chemical risks, occupational safety and employee health. Determining the relationship between the factors will be useful for studies on this subject. It has been observed that the study on the relationship between chemical risks for hospital workers and occupational safety and employee health culture is limited. Therefore, it is important in terms of shedding light on future studies and contributing to the literature. Hospital staff, Doctor, Nurse/midwife/EMT, Health Technician/Technician, Cleaning Staff, Pharmacist/Pharmacy Worker, and Secretary were included in the study. The study was conducted with 251 people who agreed to participate in the study. In the study, a 9-question socio-demographic questionnaire, a 20- question chemical knowledge questionnaire created by the researchers and OHS culture scale consisting of 30 questions were used. The data were delivered to the employees via Google form. The collected data were evaluated with Anova correlation and regression analyses in SPSS. When the findings obtained in our study are examined; A statistically significant relationship was found between the level of education, occupation, place of work and exposure to chemical substances of the participants in the study and OSEHCS.As a result of the linear regression analysis of the factors affecting the OSEHCS score, it was concluded that there was a statistically significant difference in the OSEHCS score in those who worked in the profession, those who worked as a doctor and support staff, those who worked in intensive care and operating rooms, and those who did not experience chemical exposure. A relationship was found between the knowledge levels and behaviors of hospital staff about chemical risks and OSEHCS in terms of working year and occupation.