AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol.9, no.32, pp.5131-5134, 2010 (SCI-Expanded)
This research was conducted to determine characters effecting grain yield in fifty bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars and advanced lines by using simple correlation coefficient and path analysis under 2 locations (high rainfall and low rainfall; 745 and 506 mm, respectively). A total of 50 genotypes, 25 for each independent experiment, were tested for grain yield, test weight, 1000-kernel weight, Zeleny sedimentation, protein content and plant height. Grain yield was significantly correlated with plant height in high rainfall condition. It was significantly correlated with all components except Zeleny sedimentation and protein content in low rainfall condition. Results suggest that plant height and test weight are primary selection criteria for improving grain yield in bread wheat in high and low rainfall conditions.