APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, vol.17, no.6, pp.12921-12936, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)
The study was carried out with 17 bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in 7 different environments under rain-fed conditions of the Thrace region in Turkey during 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 growing seasons. Value for cultivation and use (VCU) trial data on yield and quality traits (1000-kernel weight, test weight, protein content, Zeleny sedimentation and alveograph energy value) of bread wheat genotypes were assessed through GGE-biplot analysis. Variance analysis revealed significant genotype (G) x environment (E) interaction (GET). GGE-biplot analysis explained 79.18% of total variation. Environment-focused assessments revealed 3 mega-environments (ME). E7 (Luleburgaz-2016) was identified as the best representative of all environments and had the greatest separation power among the genotypes. According to the average environment coordinate (AEC), of the genotypes with high PC1 (Principal component) scores, the ones with a PC2 score close to 0.0 were identified as the most stable genotypes. G15, G14, G10 and G13 were the closest genotypes to AEC apsis and they had high PC1 scores. Biplot graphs were generated for 5 quality traits and stabilities of genotypes were put forth based on their positions with respect to AEC. In VCU trials, 5 control cultivars were also used and the average of control cultivars (AC) was generated. AC -focused comparisons of the genotypes were performed. It was concluded based on the present findings that GGE-biplot analysis facilitated the assessments of VCU trial data on yield and quality traits.