Geochemical Properties of the Seyhler Borate Deposits ( Emet, Turkey)

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Kocak I.

TURKIYE JEOLOJI BULTENI-GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF TURKEY, vol.60, no.3, pp.313-330, 2017 (ESCI) identifier


Borate deposits of western Anatolia were formed in the intra-continental playa lake sediments during Miocene when the volcanic activity occurred from Paleogene to Quaternary. All mineralizations are associated with these volcanic activities. The main element Ca in Emet Seyhler deposits shows enrichment compared to the averages of Earth crust and andesite. The trace elements of Se, Sr, As, Sb, Mo and Li in borate deposits enrichments are determined. It can be concluded that based on the concentration of Se and Li elements could be recovered as by product, besides B. Elements in deposits are clustered in two groups. A large group consists of elements such as Si, Mg, Al, Fe, K and a second group composes of B, Ca and Na. According to Ce and Eu anomalies observed in the REE distribution diagrams show these deposits should have formed under highly oxidative conditions with significant hydrothermal contribution.