9 th International Conference on Science Culture and Sport, , Praha, Czech Republic, 11 - 14 September 2023, pp.62
It is very important to lay foundations of national and cultural concept acquisition with textbooks. Books have an
important place in the education of children. Books prepare children for life. Especially the themed, characteristics
and occupations of the heroes in the books at primary level are effective in determining the attitudes of children
towards the professions in the future. For this reason, the themed, occupations undertaken by the heroes and
how these occupations are divided by themed are extremely important. In this context, the aim of this study was
to examine the textbooks taught in primary schools in terms of sports-themed content. This study was conducted
to reveal the themes of sports included in primary school textbooks. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade primary school
textbooks of MEB which were included in the Ministry of National Education of Turkey. The sample of the research
is the 1th, 2th, 3th and 4th grade primary school textbooks of the Ministry of National Education of Turkey in the
2022-2023 academic year. In research texts in the textbooks and pictures of these texts will be examined. The
data in the study were analyzed by, frequencies and percentages were used. In conclusion, although it seemed
like the books prepared for children included various sports activities; it was observed that the texts that covered
sports activities were included in the texts at low levels