The aim of this study is to analyze the social media supported crisis management
approach, which was put forward by the Ministry of Health in order to control the rush environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which emerged in China in December 2019 and later
seen in our country in March 2020, with data mining method. Public organizations and managers
have to be prepared for the unexpected effects of unexpected causes that may arise during and
after natural and human related disasters. It is vital for public organizations and administrators to
ensure calmness and maintain the continuity of calm in cases of panic that arise during the crisis.
The management of widespread social media communication channels is also a part of the crisis
management process. In this context, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey supported the
crisis management process through social media channels by sharing the policies to be implemented in line with the principles of openness and transparency, within the scope of the precautionary
strategies adopted in the crisis management process. The tweets shared by the Ministry of Health
within the scope of the process management approach in crisis management were shot with the
object-oriented programming language Python. The obtained data were analyzed by data mining
method within the scope of preventive, corrective and remedial activities in crisis management. It
is assumed that, in the light of the fndings to be obtained as a result of the study, the Social media
management experience and struggle of the Ministry of Health can be a model for determining
the social media supported crisis management processes to be applied in the face of possible similar risks that may be encountered in the future. In addition, in the context of the aforementioned
fndings, various suggestions were presented to public institutions and organizations in the face
of possible future crises.