Anxiety sensitivities, anxiety and depression levels, and personality traits of patients with chronic subjective tinnitus: a case-control study

Karaaslan O., Kantekin Y., Hacimusalar Y., DAĞISTAN H.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, vol.24, no.3, pp.264-269, 2020 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Objectives: Tinnitus is a condition that commonly affects individuals' daily activities. We aimed to evaluate the anxiety sensitivity, levels of anxiety and depression, and personality traits of patients with chronic subjective tinnitus. Methods: The study included 42 patients, who visited the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, complained of having tinnitus for at least 1 year and did not have any previous peripheral vestibular diseases or psychiatric treatment history. Forty-five healthy individuals volunteered to be in the control group. We administered the Tinnitus-Severity-Index (TSI), Anxiety-Sensitivity-Index-3 (ASI-3), Beck-Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck-Depression-Inventory (BDI) and Eysenck-Personality- Questionnaire (EPQ) to the study participants. Results: The BDI score was significantly higher in the patient group. The ASI-3, EPQ, and BAI scores of the patients did not differ statistically. A positive correlation was found between the EPQ neuroticism subscale scores and the ASI-3, BDI, and BAI scores of the patient cases. There was also a positive correlation between the TSI scores and the BAI, ASI-3, and neuroticism scores of the tinnitus group. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, few studies have evaluated anxiety sensitivity, anxiety and depression levels, and personality traits and no studies evaluating patients and controls together. In cases where tinnitus and psychiatric diseases are comorbid, both conditions should be treated to achieve the best outcomes for the patients' quality of life.